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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 20(4): 1255-1265, abr. 2015. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-744879


Supervised training periods in primary care have been used as spaces for teaching and extension in the area of health, making it feasible to include undergraduates in concrete teaching-learning scenarios. The aim of this study was to analyze the perceptions of dental students about the importance of supervised training periods in Family Health Units to their professional education. The sample consisted of 185 students who answered the question: What is your opinion about the importance of this training period in SUS to your professional education? Comment on this experience and its positive and negative aspects The responses were analyzed by the quali-quantitative Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) technique. The students appreciated learning through practice in the service; contact with professionals from other areas; opportunity for technical-operative improvement and demonstrated sensitivity in the face of social reality, although they appeared to be concerned about being absent from the faculty, arguing that they were being prejudiced as regards their intramural clinical productivity, exhaustively demanded of them. It was concluded that students placed value on the extramural experience, however, it was perceived that there was still a predominant influence of focus on intramural clinical training.

Os estágios supervisionados na atenção básica vêm sendo utilizados como espaços de ensino e extensão nas áreas da saúde, viabilizando a inserção dos graduandos em cenários concretos de ensino-aprendizagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as percepções de acadêmicos de odontologia sobre a importância do estágio supervisionado em Unidades de Saúde da Família, para sua formação profissional. A amostra foi constituída por 184 acadêmicos que responderam à questão: Qual a sua opinião em relação à importância deste estágio no SUS para a sua formação profissional? Comente esta experiência e seus aspectos positivos e negativos. As respostas foram analisadas através da técnica qualiquantitativa do discurso do sujeito coletivo. Os alunos valorizaram o aprendizado através da prática no serviço, do contato com profissionais de outras áreas, da oportunidade de aperfeiçoamento técnico-operatório e demonstraram sensibilização frente à realidade social, embora tenham aparentado incômodo por se ausentarem da faculdade, sob o argumento de serem prejudicados quanto à produtividade da clínica intramuros, exaustivamente cobrada. Concluiu-se que os alunos valorizaram a experiência extramural, entretanto, percebeu-se que ainda há uma hegemonia do foco no treinamento clínico intramuros.

Cell Culture Techniques/methods , Gold/chemistry , Gold/metabolism , Metal Nanoparticles/chemistry , Shiitake Mushrooms/metabolism , Chlorides/chemistry , Chlorides/metabolism , Fungal Proteins/metabolism , Gold Compounds/chemistry , Gold Compounds/metabolism , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Monophenol Monooxygenase/metabolism , Particle Size , Shiitake Mushrooms/chemistry , Shiitake Mushrooms/cytology , Shiitake Mushrooms/enzymology
Braz. j. microbiol ; 45(2): 467-474, Apr.-June 2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-723101


The research evaluated the interactions of two main factors (strain / types of spawn) on various parameters with the purpose to assess its effect on yield and biochemical composition of Lentinula edodes fruiting bodies cultivated on pasteurized wheat straw. The evaluation was made with four strains (IE-40, IE-105, IE-124 and IE-256). Different types of spawns were prepared: Control (C) (millet seed, 100%), F1 (millet seed, 88.5%; wheat bran, 8.8%; peat moss, 1.3%; and CaS0(4), 1.3%) and F2 (the same formula as F1, but substituting the wheat bran with powdered wheat straw). Wheat straw was pasteurized by soaking it for 1 h in water heated to 65 °C. After this the substrate (2 kg wet weight) was placed in polypropylene bags. The bags were inoculated with each spawn (5% w/w) and incubated in a dark room at 25 °C. A proximate analysis of mature fruiting bodies was conducted. The mean Biological Efficiency (BE) varied between 66.0% (C-IE-256) and 320.1% (F1-IE-124), with an average per strain of 125.6%. The highest mean BE was observed on spawn F1 (188.3%), significantly different from C and F2. The protein content of fruiting bodies was high, particularly in strain IE-40-F1 (17.7%). The amount of fat varied from 1.1 (F1-IE-40) to 2.1% (F2-IE-105) on dry matter. Carbohydrates ranged from 58.8% (F1-IE-40) to 66.1% (F1-IE-256). The energy value determined ranged from 302.9 kcal (F1-IE-40) to 332.0 kcal (F1-IE-256). The variability on BE observed in this study was significantly influenced by the spawn's formulation and genetic factors of the different strains.

Fruiting Bodies, Fungal/growth & development , Fruiting Bodies, Fungal/metabolism , Plant Stems/microbiology , Shiitake Mushrooms/growth & development , Shiitake Mushrooms/metabolism , Triticum/microbiology , Carbohydrates/analysis , Darkness , Fats/analysis , Fruiting Bodies, Fungal/chemistry , Fruiting Bodies, Fungal/isolation & purification , Fungal Proteins/analysis , Shiitake Mushrooms/chemistry , Shiitake Mushrooms/isolation & purification , Temperature